Waikato Hospital
Waikato Hospital provides medical abortion up to 9 weeks and surgical abortion up to 13 weeks of pregnancy. Services after this need to be referred to Auckland.
The First Step
You can self refer by calling us on 0800 328 271 or you can see a GP or Family Planning doctor.
Counselling is optional at Thames Hospital, though the counsellors in the social work department are also very good at explaining the process so it is well worth talking to them.
Medical Termination at Waikato Hospital
Medical termination is available up to 9 weeks of pregnancy at Waikato Hospital.
Surgical Termination at Waikato Hospital
The procedure is done by vacuum aspiration under local anaesthetic (awake).
Surgical termination more than 13 weeks pregnant
Surgical termination over 13 weeks is undertaken by Green Lane hospital in Auckland. You will be referred to the Waikato abortion service who will assess you and if appropriate refer you to Auckland.
Follow up
Follow-up is provided by the referring doctor or the operating doctor if preferred by the patient. Follow-up counselling is available in the Counselling Department if needed.